The U.S. Capitol Building

The U.S. Capitol Building

Friday, January 6, 2017

Master of the Medium

Whatever one thinks of DJT one thing is clear: he is a master of the art of TV. That can have both a positive and negative side.

I once heard that President Reagan would make some public pronouncement once or twice a week. This kept him in the public consciousness and instilled a sense of him being on top of things. And, of course, the fireside chats of FDR are legendary. When DJT was campaigning he was constantly in the news. I believe that was a wise thing for one to do if one wants to increase ones popularity. President Obama did not care to do that sort of thing, which likely reduced his potential popularity.

The negative side is that this constant TV presence can be used as a smokescreen (think “voter fraud”, “flag burning”) to distract the public from other gaffes, scandals, & corrupt practices. More on this topic in my next post.

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